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Chris Newald said in November 4th, 2011 at 12:10 pm

Hi Lisa, I would have to say that being a parent is often even more demanding than running a business. Self-doubt is one of the main things that seems to affect people starting new businesses. People picture themselves deep in a business environment but don’t realize that they get there over time. It’s very much like your teenager example – no one wakes up having teenage kids, they start small and grow with time. Business are the same way. By the time you’ve created a successful one, you’ll be comfortable running the show. Fantastic post!

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Lisa S. said in December 5th, 2011 at 3:18 pm

This arrived in my Twitter feed today via @12Most.

I have one thing to say: YES! Becoming a parent has developed my leadership skills. Now that I’m a parent, my focus, negotiation, and management skills have taken off! And, now I have more reason than ever to make the world a better place to live in. (Ann Crittenden wrote a book on the topic, “If You’ve Raised Kids, You Can Manage Anything”.)

It’s incredibly important that we keep sending the message out to the world that being a mom/dad does not make you less valuable. It can make us smarter, more resilient, and more focused on the big picture.

Now, off to follow you on Twitter and browse your tres beautiful site! Have a great day!

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Britt Michaelian said in December 6th, 2011 at 12:03 pm

Love this post! I always say that running a business is like another baby in the family. I do agree with Chris in that the family tends to be a bit more demanding than the business. But sometimes it feels the other way around… either way, great post!

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