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Fiona surgeryJust like all grandchildren, my little four-legged, furry one, Fiona has been the bright spot of our family.  She has been keeping us all laughing and in stitches.  And now she has herself in stitches.  Poor little thing fell and broke her leg.  Fiona had to have surgery last week so our sad little girl has been stuck wearing a cone around her head, and she is not happy about it!

The Vet warned us that once she started feeling better the most difficult part was going to be keeping Fiona, a Welsh Terrier puppy, from wanting to go back to running around.  And he was right!   We have a long few weeks ahead of us.

To cheer us all up, and give us something more lighthearted to think about, it is time to officially give Fiona a middle name.  That is where you come in…we think she needs a Welsh name in honor of her heritage.  We have it narrowed down to three.

Which one do you like best?

Fiona's Middle Name

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Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO ®

Pets   , ,   3 comments

I have been ready for an update, a fresh look, a new coat of paint on the blog.  When we were discussing what new image should be used to illustrate The Barefoot CEO blog, my daughter and I were brainstorming, and she said just go with a snapshot of a day in your life…. the overflowing bag, cell phone in hand, multi-tasking, with her family waiting on her in the car.  That is the story of my life!  I can’t tell you how many times, especially in the early days of Femail Creations, my family would all pile in the car—and I would be one email, one phone call or one shoe away from being out the door.  It became a running joke for years.

I think a lot of women who are spread too thin, and trying to be in three places at once can relate!   The only difference may be shoes—you most likely have shoes on—and I tend to be barefoot whenever possible, or at least never far from a pair of rescue bunny slippers or flip flops—which I keep in the car, in my purse, under my desk, anywhere I may end up in shoes that have exceeded their expiration date—and in my case that’s only a few hours.

Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO ®

Blog Femail Creations     1 comment

It has taken me a while to write about this. Many of you have been long time Femail Crgirltalk_email_pic1_0709eations customers and supporters and readers of The Barefoot CEO blog, and are really like part of my big extended Femail family. And our family has lost our beloved Airedale Zoë. Sadly a few days after her 14th birthday on May 2nd she lost her battle with cancer. She had a wonderful life and we miss her dearly.

Almost by accident Zoë became like the Femail Creations mascot. In the very early days of the catalog when I had to do one of my very first photo shoots, the photographer arrived at the house and much to her shock she found me wearing jeans, and—as usual—I was in my bare feet. The photographer asked me when I would be changing into my business clothes for the photo girltalk_email_pic2_0709shoot. I explained to her that wasn’t really my style. I was a more casual CEO, in fact a Barefoot CEO—literally! Well, that just seemed to startle the girltalk_email_pic3_0709“professional” photographer who found me to be less than professional sans my business suit and all. Eventually, I ended up putting Zoë in the pictures with me—so I could hide behind her! I have always been somewhat camera shy, and Zoë came in handy as the ultimate prop! And the customers loved her! Soon she was getting her own fan mail! Zoë went on to appear in hundreds of catalogs.

Zoë has been the perfect pet for our family at every stage of our lives. It was as if she knew exactly what we needed at every stage of our ever-changing lives. When the kids were little, she was there, playful and protective. When the kids went off to college and the house felt empty she mellowed out and spent her days keeping me company at my desk. If I was having a bad day, she never left my side. And in the end, we never left her side.

Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO ®

Pets   ,   6 comments

Siblings offer one of the most unique relationships we will ever have in our lives. A while back I spent time reminiscing with my brother, and finding out things about his childhood I never knew. It was very insightful and reminded me how much I still have to learn about my siblings and how much I appreciate having them in my life.

My sisters and brothers make trips down memory lane a much more enjoyable journey. And oh the tales they could tell… they love to tell the story of how as an infant I ripped all of the bars out of my crib – guess I never have like being fenced in!

I used to think my parents were crazy for having six kids. I can’t imagine having a half dozen children! I always thought having more children than I had hands would be too much for me – therefore I only have two. However, at this point I’m glad my parents didn’t subscribe to that notion. Now I have five great friends!

Who else, but those from the same gene pool, can help you laugh at all of the things that weren’t so funny back then? Time offers great perspective. Who else will remind you that the hairdo your sister gave you while she was going to beauty school should not be repeated! (And if you think for one minute I am foolish enough to allow you to click on that picture, you’re nuts! So you’ll just have to use your imagination!)

Of course we all struggle to avoid lapsing back into whatever role we played growing up. (Can you relate?) Coming from a large family there were plenty of slots to fill, and it was as easy to label us as it was to call it a “phase” we were going through. At times the labels are hard to shake. Some of the labels we grew out of, others we grew into, and others never did fit.

With parents long since married to other people, and the house we grew up in long since occupied by others, we have learned to find other ways to create a sense of tradition. It is becoming more and more clear that home is not comprised of four walls and an address; home is where the heart is. Time spent together doesn’t require a home with history, or a set of parents celebrating their 40th anniversary to each other, it simply requires the desire to spend time together with the people who have known you the longest and love you anyway.

The bond sibling’s share is one I have come to treasure more and more. If you are lucky enough to have a sister or brother that makes your life better, pick up the phone and let them know that. Or better yet, send them a card or a treat from this wonderful catalog I happen to know a lot about…

The thing I am learning as an adult is that the kids I grew up with did just that – they grew up. So now I am getting to know them all over again as the people they have become.

Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO ®

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